Note from Digital Marketing Manager, Haley Glendrange:
Hello Everyone! Due the overwhelming amount of praise included in the responses regarding testimonials, I have included whole emails rather than short excerpts from each one. I understand it might feel slightly untraditional while reading but these kind words deserve to be heard.
Paul Hermann, Garagewerx
“Hi Haley, thanks for the intro and helping out with your dad. He has and is making great products and will continue to develop better materials. That’s one neat characteristic about a chemist like your dad, he is never satisfied with what he has done. Like an artist, he is creative and trying to create something new and better. You may or may not know but millions of floors have your father’s product designs on them.
Industrial Polymers has consistently provided us with the best epoxy based vapor barriers we have ever used. The ability to accelerate the cure time along with the special additives that practically eliminate outgassing and fish eyeing make these vapor barrier primers best in class.”